Blog of March - Invisible Things
Written by - Joana Correa Assuncao
Invisible Things
As life spiral goes on,
moving through many different stages,
we revisit old dreams,
they come to check on us from time to time
and see how the journey is going,
if we need to reset or recalculate,
so we can be able to :
Be available for life,
be ready to act when it’s the right time.
To be in the right place, at the right moment with the right people.
Since very early,
I remember taking extreme interest
in mechanisms of healing and restoring the body
Later on holistic techniques came very handy, that way I could protect the gift of moving
Moving with no pain, wishing to continue to enjoy movement, holistic approaches had to followed my journey
I came across the chakras when as a teenager and started to work with crystals.
Crystals were carefully placed on each energetic center, related to the glandular system and we visualize our internal system and all the layers of the body and beyond the body
Helping the functioning of the organs and the energy flow through the whole body,
With that energetic approach, a lot was falling into place, internally and externally, and the next step was always very clear, comfortable or not
Understanding that the energetic body could
lead the physical body,
like ballroom dance
The physical body would need to be an excellent host,
To be a recipient able to receive and transmit energy and generate a continuous wave of self healing.
What the invisible was telling me
To be available for life,
to not freeze,
to move, to embrace rhythm and breath.
To get out of the box ;)
To be open for impacts of positive nature
To follow the dreams…
Now, I would like to share some words from Dhyani Ywahoo, from her book
Voices of our Ancestors: Cherokee Teachings from the Wisdom Fire.
“ Each one of us has a song in our hearts. Through our thoughts and actions, each one creates a vibration in the atmosphere. When we think of dancing atoms that create and sustain life form, we can se, forever in dance. It’s all vibration. Our actions reverberate in many dimensions and that way our thoughts and actions come back to us. We can call that karma or destiny; we live the results of our thoughts and it’s many implications interacting with other thoughts. The same way that a little stone of intention that falls in the middle of a quiet lake creates waves in many directions, the appearance and the phenomenon in our lives and in our world are waves in the serene surface of our universal mind.
As the world spins, we learned with the Adawee-wise protectors of the five directions, guardians of the portals of the mind- giving form to what doesn’t have a form. It’s wisdom is expressed by five wisdoms: the sphere of existence, recognizing the fundamental unity of things, even with all the differences in the external aspect; what makes the work achieve success, the one the distinguish the particularities; the equalizer, turn known the common factors; the mirror, the one that reflect things as they are.
We recognize the five wisdoms in the wisdom river that run on us permanently. They can be perceived in the terms of the wheel of medicine and the sacred directions, in relation to the five organs system and the five elements. When we have the clear perception of how our minds express wisdom and how we can apply, we have more chances to honor the movement of life inside ourselves.
...”transform, transmute, bring what is beneficial in the spiral dance of life.”
In the center, in the axis of every experience, is born the wisdom that equalizes.
We should always go around the circle to find harmony on ourselves. Harmony never really gets lost. We should only accept harmony and let ourselves resonate with the whole Universe. This resonance is Unity. Our consciousness is molding what’s around us. If we consider that each other, we are all together as a big human family; our task as human beings is to see beauty, to sing, to be joyful, to work in the land and to share abundance. Did you learn a great wisdom? Pass it on. Do you have the talent for sound, for the herbs? Share it. It’s the weaving of the harmonics of the consciousness, of our minds, that restores the sacred tapestry of life. Then, each one of us, and all of us should reconstruct the fabric, the weaving initiates in the heart, perceiving the internal unity. It’s something simple that requires a lot of discipline, because the body is the instrument and the thoughts are the musicians.
The Tsalagi People say that, together, we are creating a world, our thoughts and our interactions are molding, in a very intense way, the elemental forces of life. With the right thoughts and actions, specially in the understanding of our mission, of our talent at this moment, we can bring abundance and great peace, through the peaceful comprehension inside of ourselves, reignite the Wisdom Fire.”
Wishing you
a Sky full of beautiful Stars
Till next time,
Photos of the Yanomamis, an indigenous tribe from Amazonia, Brazil, an example of sustainable community leaving. They say ”our Future is Ancestral “
Photo: Sebastião Salgado.
- Joana