The GYROTONIC® Method and Ankylosing Spondylitis. An introduction.

Written by - Malin Yhr

The GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® Methods are wonderful mediums we all benefit from, enjoy and appreciate. But is it an aid to retain basic daily physical function? To some of us the answer is yes.

Some autoimmune diseases deteriorate the physical (and emotional) body over time. Along with many other methods that temporarily lower pain, the GYROTONIC® System practiced on a regular basis can help the body stay agile and high functioning while living with Ankylosing Spondylitis. Selected exercises for specific areas tailored to individual needs can make a noticeable and satisfying improvement to affected areas and also provide pain relief, increased range of motion, physically tone and improve blood flow to compromised and unanimated tissue, as well as improve balance - if practiced on a regular basis.

As the disease moves on it’s own the practitioner with Ankylosing Spondylitis has to move as well. Permanently. All the time. To constantly rephrase, interchange and negotiate with the diseases claim on their body. There is space here to develop a language and tools where you can equip yourself to physically communicate and educate your body and mind against your disease. We live it and actively do it every day. To be continued.

click on name above for Malin’s Bio

Click on photo for more information about Ankylosing Spondylitis and link.


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