A good read, gaining better understanding of movement

Written by - Maria Holm

We are all very interested and happy to move and exercise, to feel good and better in our bodies.

We do it using the GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® Methods in our studio. To fully utilize all of what we know and learn about our bodies, we might find an even better understanding by supplementing our movement practice with a good book or two.

To read, think and discuss around ideas, learning more about anatomy, breathing and movement, might take us even further.

Here is a reading list for anyone who is curious, and wants to learn more. A complement to any movement/exercise routine and practice, or by themselves as a good read.

A few books from my reading list:

The Art of Exercising and Beyond by Juliu Horwath, the creator and inventor of the GYROTONIC® system, ($25 in the studio)

Anatomy Coloring Book, by Wynn Kapit & Lawrence M Elson

Anatomy of Movement, by Blandine Calais-Germain

Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss

The Psoas Book, by Liz Coch

Anatomy Trains, by Thomas M Meyer

Ways to Better Breathing, by Carola Speads

Happy Reading! Maria Holm

Happy Reading!

- Maria Holm


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